Study Tour to Geneva, Switzerland
In early March, I was blessed to have the opportunity of travelling to Geneva with our study programm for a field trip to several International Organizations, organized by my university MCI (Management Center Innsbruck). Afterwards we had to write a paper to reflect on the tour and its learning outcomes. Since many people, especially those working in related fields, might be interested in these important organizations (as i always was!), but the opportunity to visit them doesn't present itself to everyone, i thought it might be useful to publish this reflective essay on my blog and garnish it with a few photos that i took in Geneva.
Overall speaking, it was an enriching excursion that brought new insights into specific topics, stimulated discussions not only with the speakers but also amongst us participants (we were 12 students travelling there), and gave us a glimpse of how it is to work in this field. It makes sense why there are around 200 of those IGO's (International Governmental Organizations) or NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations) in Geneva: even if many of them may fight for the same cause, they all have their different structures, ideas and agendas. Complex societal problems are being tackled in this city on a daily basis, and these call for diverse, yet inclusive approaches and solutions. As the close proximity of these organizations (not only „in spirit“ but also geographically speaking) can produce fruitful „meetings of the minds“ and enhance dialogue, consensus & cooperation between the organizations, I suppose it makes sense to have them all in one place. And Geneva in Switzerland, in the heart of Europe, close to the French and Italian borders, easily accessible by train or plane, seems to be a perfect homebase. The train was also how I entered the country (for the first time ever!), traversing it from East to West, a great way to get a glimpse of the Swiss countryside!
Overall speaking, it was an enriching excursion that brought new insights into specific topics, stimulated discussions not only with the speakers but also amongst us participants (we were 12 students travelling there), and gave us a glimpse of how it is to work in this field. It makes sense why there are around 200 of those IGO's (International Governmental Organizations) or NGO's (Non-Governmental Organizations) in Geneva: even if many of them may fight for the same cause, they all have their different structures, ideas and agendas. Complex societal problems are being tackled in this city on a daily basis, and these call for diverse, yet inclusive approaches and solutions. As the close proximity of these organizations (not only „in spirit“ but also geographically speaking) can produce fruitful „meetings of the minds“ and enhance dialogue, consensus & cooperation between the organizations, I suppose it makes sense to have them all in one place. And Geneva in Switzerland, in the heart of Europe, close to the French and Italian borders, easily accessible by train or plane, seems to be a perfect homebase. The train was also how I entered the country (for the first time ever!), traversing it from East to West, a great way to get a glimpse of the Swiss countryside!
I’m going to recap the content of the various presentations we’ve listened to, or
at least the main take-home messages. On a second thought, I’ll add my personal
impression of each organization, as well as the main learning outcomes from
each presentation. Where possible I will try to dig a little deeper and add
some of my own thoughts to the topic. I’m going to do this for each
organisation, in „chronological order of appearance“:
off on Monday morning was UNAIDS, the
joint UN programme combating HIV & AIDS with 11 UN-related „co-sponsors“,
although – as External Relations Officer Diana Rubin was quick to point out –
this doesn’t mean that UNAIDS is sponsored by those organizations but rather
that UNAIDS generates about 2/3 of the budget from national government
donations (something Ms. Rubin is all too familiar with, working in the Resource Mobilization Division herself)
and that the co-sponsors then add their own share (the WHO & UNICEF being
the biggest contributors) and „comparative advantage“ to the organization’s
profile. For example: as injecting drug users are one of the population groups
most vulnerable to HIV, the UNODC (United Nations Office of Drugs & Crime),
being one of the co-sponsors, may provide valuable know-how and data in this
for the next 15 years the organization has come up with the so-called „90-90-90
Target“ (90 % of people shall know their HIV status, of which 90 % will receive
sustained ARV treatment, of which 90 % will have durable viral suppression) and
hopes to reduce the number of new infections from currently 2.5 millions to 0.2
millions in 2030. The main take-home message was that even though many
countries still suffer from the economic crisis, the resource gap needs to be
closed because if current efforts are only maintained, the epidemic will
skyrocket again by 2030. By „fast-tracking“ the response, however, we could
more or less eradicate AIDS or at least its status as a global disease.
glassy UNAIDS building and its translucent foyer was a sight in itself - the
flatmate of my host in Geneva jokingly remarked that they put this shiny new
building right across the road from the old WHO building to remind them what a
poor job they have done at combating AIDS). Diana Rubin certainly did a great
job at drawing everyone in on the topic, and listening to this young Austrian
female who has carved herself a career in an international organization like
UNAIDS was certainly inspiring for many of us, especially for my female
colleagues. I
also learned several new things about HIV and AIDS – the biggest eye-opener
being that an HIV-positive mother could give birth to an HIV-negative (in other
words: healthy) child through viral suppression and certain safety standards
during delivery. It had never occured to me that vertical transmission of the disease (from mother to child) was avoidable,
and that antiretroviral therapy has become so „affordable“, so I see the
chances to beat AIDS in a different light now, although I still deem it a
monumental effort. „Knowing one’s status“ will indeed be key to prevent future spreading
of the disease, because it all starts with awareness of having it in the first
place. Social transformation will be just as important, because underestimating
the threat of the disease (and stigmatizing those who have it) are still major
problems even in presumably well-educated societies, let alone in homophobic
societies such as Russia. Regarding the aforementioned drug users there,
changing punitive laws into assisting laws and employing „harm reduction“ such
as in countries like Switzerland or Canada (i recently saw a documentary that
portrayed Vancouver’s approach to the problem) presents itself as an almost
Herculean task... however, that only underlines the importance of a supreme
governing body such as UNAIDS to perform advocacy on the political level –
„high-level bla-bla“, as Diana ironically called it. My main concern with UNAIDS
is the accuracy of their numbers and thus of their calculations and
projections, because – as Diana herself has pointed out – the organization has
to rely on the data of her many partners in the field, which in some cases
& countries may not be all that accurate.
we went to the World Health Organization
(WHO) on Monday afternoon, where we listened to 3 different presentations:
Communications Officer Joel Schaeffer from Canada first introduced us to the
profile of the WHO as the global public health authority - its core structure (HQ in Geneva, 6 regional
offices and 151 country offices), staff allocation (50% work in the country
offices, the other 50% divided roughly half-half between HQ and regional
offices), function (provide leadership, setting norms & standards, using
evidence & research) and funding (75% from voluntary contributions, 25% mandatory
contributions from UN Member States). The most striking figure for me were
those 75% voluntary contributions, of which – according to Mr. Schaeffer – only
1% comes from Member States, meaning that the WHO’s money is partly (or dare i
say: mostly?) private, something
which wasn’t really apparent from our fact sheets and I had rather assumed to
be the opposite!
Joel pointed out (and i think all of us will agree) „fighting all diseases, all
the time“ is a near-impossible task. Therefore, I think it makes sense for the
WHO to confine itself to recommendations, guidelines & standards,
old-fashioned as it may seem in an age of digital revolution. Let’s face it: despite
(or rather: because of) all the information that is at our fingertips these
days, what facts can we really trust? We’re literally drowned in it and – as
time is a limited resource – it has become almost impossible to stay on top of
it all - what is the truth, what are the cold hard facts; and what are just
rumours or other people’s opinions? The current trend of parents refusing to
have their kids vaccinated is sad proof of that. Therefore I have always
respected the WHO’s evidence-based
approach and acknowledged them as the global authority on public health because
as a physiotherapist, I’ve seen first-hand how little people know about health,
or their own bodies to begin with (not that I blame them; education about it is
poor, a dilemma that already starts in school), and therefore i understand the
necessity of a supreme authority on the topic. Joel
Schaeffer‘s background in communication made for a very clear and concise
presentation that provided just the right amount of numbers and set the stage for
the other two presenters. Dina Pfeier, Medical Officer in Health Security,
talked about Epidemic Management in case of the Ebola outbreak in Africa. The
„triage“ system and organization of a field clinic had already been covered in
our lectures at MCI, but again, i learned a few new things (that the disease
is rarely aquired through air, and that ceremonial burial practises in those
countries include splashing attendants with water previously used to wash the
dead bodies - a sure way to literally "disperse" the Ebola virus). Dina also offered some interesting insights into the challenges
of setting up a field lab and many other coordination aspects of epidemic
management aside the clinical part: behavioral & social interventions,
handling the media, logistics, psychosocial support, epidemiological evaluation
& surveillance and ethical aspects. She also enabled us to visit the WHO’s big
conference hall and the „SHOC Room“.
Officer Leilia Dore then concluded the WHO visit with a talk on the Polio
Eradication Initiative, which was passionate and, again, inspiring for many of
us since Leilia was not only female, but also about the same age as many of us.
We learned, surprisingly maybe, that Pakistan is the main country of concern
and together with Afghanistan & Nigeria these are the three main countries
left on the „Polio Map“. The WHO’s strategy basically consists of vaccionation
campaigns (such as „National Immunization Days“, which were successfully
employed in India, since Polio vaccinations are fairly easy to administer) and
the active surveillance of AFP in populations (Acute Flaccid Paralysis, the
most common sign of acute polio). Operating in insecure areas is part of the
challenge in all those countries which is met through community engagement,
operational adjustments and political advocacy. WHO hopes to win the „Polio
endgame“ by detecting & interrupting the virus, strengthening routine
immunization, improving containment & certification standards to prevent
„leaking“ cases, and legacy planning.
impressed me about the WHO (apart from the international flair in the canteen
and general buzz & diversity created by so many people from all around the
world working in that building) was the level of professionalism &
enthusiasm of their speakers. I’m fully aware that all the people we’ve
listened to have probably received extensive training to live up to the task
(otherwise I don’t think they’d carry titles such as „Communications Officer“)
but it left us (even those who were a little wary of the WHO and considered them
to be a bloated, bureaucratic apparatus) with the impression that this is an
organization full of people that are not only skilled, but really do care. Some may still ask the question why the WHO
needs to train and employ people just to project a certain image instead of
using their resources for field work, but as I said before, I think it is
important to have that global authority on public health, and with that kind of
authority comes the need for an external communication policy and good outward
Day 2 we visited the Global Fund to
fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria and were met by Beatrice Bernescut,
who despite her French-sounding name turned out to be American, a very
entertaining one in fact. True to the „Business as unusual“ ethic of the Global
Fund she started her presentation with a highly engaging simulation, where each
of us would be assigned a role and represent a certain constituency in a
fictional country called N’kumbe that had very real problems (AIDS, Malaria,
TB) and which perfectly illustrated the difficulty of reaching consensus, something of utmost importance in an
organization like the Global Fund, which – similar to the World Bank – draws
huge financial resources (the WHO’s Joel Schaeffer had even gone as far as
calling them a „money-making machine“ the day before) yet doesn’t operate in
the field itself, instead relies on domestic partners as „principal
recipients“ of their money, who are then responsible for implementation. This
is done with 3 main ideas in mind:
1. Country Ownership, i.e. relying on
local expertise & partners since every country usually knows best what
works for them. Imposing one’s own ideas of what needs to be done in another
country has often failed (and proven to be unsustainful in the long run) in the
2. Performance-based Funding, i.e. the
allocation of funds for a certain project depends on a valid proposal (called a
„Concept Note“ at the Global Fund) and whether the money keeps on flowing
depends on the project’s success by meeting certain evaluative criteria.
3. Partnership, i.e. everybody involved
in the fight of a disease should be involved in the decision-making as well.
This usually includes civil society, especially the ones affected by a disease.
These are included on the Global Fund’s Board with 3 out of 10 seats, a similar
approach as the one by UNAIDS introduced to us on Day 1.
though some of us didn’t seem too impressed by the Global Fund for being a
financial organization first and foremost, I must say I really like their way
of thinking and the 3 principles above make a whole lot of sense to me. That
being said, having one party who pays the money and another party who does the
work, will set you up for all kinds of
problems (any employer/employee relationship is living proof), plus
there’s the additional question mark that those who are major contributors to
the Fund (pharmaceutical organizations, for example) may have their own
interests in large-scale aid projects being implemented in a country – entering
a market to sell lots of pharmaceutical drugs, for example. Another thing I originally
didn’t like about the Global Fund is that they concentrate on 3 diseases only.
If they really have so much money on their hands, couldn’t they invest it in
other threatening diseases as well? However, Beatrice gave convincing arguments
for all 3 (the huge financial burden from AIDS, as it has morphed from a death
verdict into a chronic disease; the „potential wildfire“ of MDR-TB, a mutation
of of the classic tuberculosis bacteria that requires 4x longer and 20x more
expensive treatment; and Malaria resistance pockets around the world),
emphasizing that these 3 diseases are „preventable, nobody should die from
them, and there are low-cost, effective interventions for them“ (although you
might argue that the fact that many of those 450 million insecticide-treated
Malaria nets the Global Fund was responsible for were put to use as fishing
nets by the local population can hardly be called an effective intervention).
Focusing on only 3 diseases helps them effectively channel their efforts (better to have great
results in a few areas than mediocre results in many) but Beatrice didn’t rule
out that the Global Fund may also tackle other diseases in the future, should
the necessity and opportunity arise. She was also joined by an Asian fund portfolio
manager (with a background in linguistics, interestingly) who briefly described
what her typical working day looks like and what tasks a portfolio manager is
involved with.
the view from the office of the Global Fund, revealed familiar territory: another IKEA warehouse
the afternoon we visited two large NGO’s, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Médicines Sans Frontières (MSF) a.k.a.
„ Doctors without Borders“. Even though these two organizations operate in the
same field and have overlapping agendas, the presentations we received and the
impression they left us with couldn’t have been more different from each other.
Cédric Clerc, recently appointed Health Delegate of the Health Unit, first
introduced us to the guiding principles of the Red Cross (humanity, neutrality,
impartiality and independence) and current challenges the organization is
facing: the increase in urbanization and difficulty to access people who seek
help; demographic changes (contrary to most countries in the developed world,
the developing countries are characterized by a young population – in Gaza for
example, where Mr. Clerc had previously worked, 50% are under 18!); the
multiplication of armed groups in conflict (where in the past there would be 2
conflicting parties, the situation is usually much more complex nowadays); the
effects of the financial crisis and the presence of many humanitarian actors
who compete for the same (diminishing) funds; and finally, the difficulty to
find human resource for their work in the field, especially as health workers
are increasingly targets of violent attacks, which led to the launch of the
„Health in Danger“ campaign (later introduced to us by Bruce Eshaya Chauvin,
Medical Advisor of the project).
explained that the rate of soldiers vs. civilians in need of help today is at
10 vs. 90 %, which is a complete reversal of the past, and a testament to two
things: the Red Cross‘ expanded role in helping with natural disasters, but
also to the changing ways wars are being fought today. Whereas in the late 19th
century, when the ICRC was founded, conflicting parties would usually clash on
a battlefield, the battlefield today could be anywhere: civilians killed by unmanned
drones & missiles in Iraq, ethnic genocide among minorities in villages in
Central Africa and the Middle East, people perishing in the collapsing World
Trade Centers, 200 innocent school kids trapped by a gunman on a killing spree
on an idyllic Norwegian island, and whoever is unholy and unlucky enough to get
abducted or killed next by the Islamic State Militant Group... these are but a
few examples of the volatile and unpredictable nature of conflicts today.
informal „Pizza Dinner“ at the MSF headquarters that night was quite different
from all other presentations on this study tour. Maude Montani, Research and
Publications Officer at MSF, received us in a dark & deserted office and
guided us downstairs to a meeting room, where she proceeded with a presentation
about MSF while we were munching on pizzas... which i found a little odd, to be
honest. However, these little oddities are exactly what makes MSF a very
charming organisation: the tour through their offices revealed a smaller,
obviously much less bureaucratic organization, where one could still feel the
idealistic spirit of the founders. After all, as we had already learned before
the trip, MSF was founded by doctors & journalists, some of whom had
previously worked for the Red Cross and were frustrated with their bureaucracy
and inability to speak out about the grievances in the world. And while MSF,
just as the ICRC, acts as an independent, impartial and neutral organization,
it places emphasis on their added concept of „temoignage“, i.e. being a bearing
witness in conflict, and speaking out about it, in other words: letting the
world know what’s happening.
As mentioned before, the Red Cross has shifted a lot of its work towards natural disasters, which includes plenty of infrastructural work, and consequently Doctors without Borders focus more on clinical management of diseases & epidemics (such as the current Ebola outbreak, where they have actually lost quite a few workers). I suppose this specialization makes sense, even though it might be difficult for people on the outside to decide which organization they should donate money to. I would probably have chosen MSF in the past, because I already knew a few doctors who had worked for them on standby, and i think I would choose them even more so after this trip, because of their hands-on, make-a-difference approach and the humble charm of their headquarters.
Even though deserted, the offices of "Médecins sans Frontières" invoked the spirit of young idealists at work
Day 3, we visited our last organization, the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) where we
first watched a video about the history & tasks of the organization, and
then listened to a lecture by Legal Officer Alexander Beck, Protection Policy
and Legal Advice, about the division of international protection and the UNHCR
challenges in the area of mixed migration. Although us and Mr. Beck got off to
a somewhat bad start, his presentation ultimately was quite satisfying. As a
lawyer, he was very keen on distinct terminology, and when he showed us a
picture of African refugees crossing the Mediterranean on a wooden boat, and
asked us whether they’re refugees or migrants, I gave the only logical and
correct answer: You simply cannot know. Each case comes down to the individual,
and it is important to try to avoid general assumptions, as comfortable as they
may seem. Alexander described the typical path of a migrant/asylum seeker, and his/her
dependance on human traffickers, border guards, police authorities and finally immigration
authorities. He made a strong case for legal travel documents for asylum
seekers so they can travel around (which they will try to do anyway) in an
unobstructed way and go directly to the country in which they want to apply for
a visa; often asylum seekers have a certain destination in mind (due to family
ties or other preferences), but they don’t always get there, since they will be
presented to the asylum authoritites of whichever country they happened to be
apprehended in. Therefore, they may have a weaker case to present (and once an
asylum request is denied, that denial is valid for the entire EU in order to prevent
multiple applications).
a large share of lawyers working at UNHCR it became pretty clear (or rather, Mr.
Beck made sure we understood) that public health specialists are not
necessarily high in demand at the organization. He compared the organization to
a government’s foreign office (with their HQ in Geneva and lots of „embassies“
all around the world) and listed political advocacy and supervision as the most
important tasks; establishing a permanent contact with state authorities. The
interesting thing is that these local UNHCR offices may look very different,
depending on the country. Whereas a country like Austria only has a small
office in Vienna, with 2-3 lawyers doing mainly supervisory work, a country
like Lebanon and Jordan, who currently receive a lot of asylum-seekers (due to
the conflict in Syria) but are ill-equipped for proper asylum procedures, forces
UNHCR to step up and handle the „field work“ themselves. However large their extent
of interventions may be, Refugee Law and Human Rights Law always form the legal
basis for action, which explains the high share of lawyers in the organization.
Even though Mr. Beck didn’t go into specific cases, his descriptions were
vivid, and having met both asylum seekers and refugees in my previous job i now
have a clearer understanding of what challenges and difficulties they might
have been facing on their voyage.
visit at UNHCR also strongly reverberated after our return: already on the
train home, I read an article about mixed migration and a portrait of two
families with a migration background. The next day, I heard UNHCR employee William
Spindler speak out on public radio and suggest that „commercial ships should be
compensated for any extra costs incurred by saving migrants‘ lives, adrift in
the Mediterranean Sea“, because the replacement of Italy’s MARE NOSTRUM programme through the current TRITON operation has
literally put a lot more refugee boats in dire straits. And just yesterday I
got into an online argument with a distant facebook „friend“ (someone who I’ve
only met once personally) about immigration & asylum policy in our country,
which led to me having to „unfriend“ that person – something I don’t like to
do, because I think it’s important to discuss with people, even if you don’t
share their beliefs; isolating them will only make things worse. Before I did
that, I recommended him to travel, because travelling can be an easy and
meaningful way to broaden one’s horizon. Reflecting on that, I think that this
trip to Geneva (and the visits to these organizations) certainly helped us all to broaden
our horizons and grow personally & professionally!
the impressive lobby at UNHCR
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